Welcome to my blog where I share about my gardening adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!
I’m one to make the most of opportunities that arise, so I enjoy wearing a few hats in my life. I’m a nurse, horticultural therapist, Gardens & Grounds Coordinator, DIY gardener and dabbler in various other horticultural pursuits.
I say that I have green blood, being the progeny of generational orchardists and market gardeners, for which I’m forever grateful. I’m a passionate gardener, I love undertaking my own garden projects and I do my best to stop and enjoy the smell of the roses (even though I don’t have any in my garden!). Life is filled with various ups and downs, but one thing is certain … it is the main show, so get out and have some fun and give it your best.
Contact: stevenwellsthegardener@gmail.com
Facebook: Steven Wells The Gardener
Instagram: stevenwellsthegardener